Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Dream, Part 2

The argument has been made that Christians shouldn't all pull their kids from government schools because that would leave the schools with no Christian influence. (Ummm, excuse me? Christian teachers?....anyway.....)

1) Christian kids are sent to school at age 5 just like the world's kids. Most kids choose whether they will serve God at around 11 years old. This means we are sending unsaved heathens (our little ones) into the classroom to be missionaries to unsaved heathens. Where exactly do you find that principle in the Bible?

2) 80% of Americans claim to be Christians. If just half of those people pulled their kids from government schools, those schools would collapse. They could no longer justify the exorbitant taxes (40-50% of EVERY states budget) and simply couldn't function like they do now.

And then what would happen? Who could possibly pick up the slack?

Maybe that segment of the country that already has classrooms sitting empty 6 1/2 days a week? 
That segment that has accomplished the impossible many times in the past when they had a good cause? 
That segment that religiously believes in self-sacrifice and was told by their Founding Document that caring for the poor and widows is the very essence of our religion?

James 1:27 "What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world."

Dream With Me...

...about a nation where parents provided their children with an education that fit their needs (and matched the parent's religion!), just like they now provide them with the food and shelter they need.

And the poor? Before the importation of government schools into this country (from pre-Nazi Germany/Austria), it was assumed it was the job of the church to provide "Charity Schools" for those parents who really couldn't provide for their own, just like it was the Church's job to feed the poor and provide shelters for them.

(We let the Atheists steal all these jobs from us through their god-government and now wonder why no one can see their need for the true God, but rely on god-government in times of trouble).

So, let's dream about what we could do with Charity Schools today! Imagine being able to teach the inner city youth about Jesus every day, in every area of life!

What a difference we could make!

Oh, I know the Atheists would form a few of their own charity schools, but honestly? Atheism is a selfish religion and they just don't have the personal motive to sacrifice on a wide scale. That's why they use the force of their god-government to make us pay for their programs.

We are different. Our God commands us to use personal sacrifice to accomplish His will. And who can complain about us using our own money and time to help the poor?

Look around your church this Sunday and notice how many people in your congregation are bored with life, living in depression because they have nothing of value to do. Imagine the difference in their lives if they could be given a mission involved with running a charity school?

There are already curriculums created so small churches with only a couple of available, trust worthy adults can open private schools (the curriculums do the teaching so the adults are basically just supervisors.

Accelerated Christian Education
Alpha Omega
Christian Light

Plus many online schools/curriculums are now available, some free, some not. None very expensive, relatively speaking.

Dream with me about the possibilities of taking back education for the glory of our God! Imagine what we could do with dedicated teachers free to teach about our Lord in every subject every day!

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