Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Words Are Categorical

In my quest to find a more effective way for my kids to learn grammar, I have run across this serious of books. To be honest, I have no idea where the first couple books came from. I guess someone gave them to me at some time. But I have lately been making a point of reading them frequently out loud (technically to my 6yo, though I make sure its when everyone else can hear.) and have bought a couple new ones from Amazon.

I think it's working! At least, my 6yo is "getting" the parts of speech, and when my 10yo asked what an adverb was, I handed her the relevant book and she said, "Oh, yeah."

I intend to play the School House Rock Grammar video when it's my turn today (it's a rare rainy day here in Nevada, and several of the kids don't feel well, so the TV is going), and I think it will be the perfect complement to these books.

The ones I have don't go into an awful lot of detail, but the pictures are cute and the rhymes are, uhh, interesting. There appear to be more advanced ones available, though I haven't had a chance to read them yet.

So, at this point, these two resources- Words are Categorical and Grammar Rock- seem the perfect way to introduce grammar to a 6yo while reinforcing what the older kids already know.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

I have had many government school teachers tell me how they use their teaching to preach God to their students.


We should all use every opportunity we can to tell people about Jesus.

But think about it a moment;

Are all government school teachers Christian?

No, of course not. Christians probably aren't even near the majority.

That means most are Atheists, Heathens, and/or Materialists.

What makes anyone think that the Atheists, Heathens, and Materialists are not using their opportunities to preach their "religions" (the religions of self-worship, thing worship, science and government worship [socialism] ) to their students?

To YOUR children in their classrooms?

If the Christian teachers are effective in their efforts to sway students to their religion, so are the non Christian teachers. If they are not effective, if this isn't an effective method of evangelism, then the Christian teachers are wasting their time.

This is why Christian parents should not be sending their children to government schools. Doing so is telling their children to consider other religions, other gods as their own.

"When the education is finished, the student will be just like their teacher." - Jesus