Jennifer is interesting. She is quiet and acts like she hates doing school, but whizzes through nearly everything I have her do. Maybe I need to challenge her more?
- Bible
- Private Prayer- Make sure she has a prayer journal if she wants one.
- Private Bible-Make sure she has a Bible and reading chart, 15 minutes/day.
- Foundations-Already started. Needs to finish.
- Together Proverbs
- Jennifer and up, own words
- Bible Story - Draw a picture, give a caption. Ideally, I would have any famous pictures plus a couple of children's Bible pictures of each story, but that's work I know I won't always get to.
- Memory Verse- copy into a notebook, practice each day
- Trivia/Catechism
- Language Arts
- Reading-McGuffey to me each day.
- Require to have a fun book going though that is not usually an issue (they all like to read).
- Penmanship- Finish current self-made book
- Typing-,, or!game Create an account and practice 15 minutes a week?
- Spelling- All About Spelling:
- Go through the AAS app (review phonograms, only needs to do this once a month or so)
- Copy rules and new words to a 3x5 or notebook, book 4 $22
- Review none-masterd cards
- Spelling City Play some games (including the one that alphabetizes and the one that identifies the parts of speech)
- Either test with me or let the program test.
- Grammar- Easy Grammar and Daily Grams.
- Jenn is doing DG6 right now.
- EG6 workbook $13.95.
- Composition-Honestly, what we are doing is fine. Writing on blogs daily. May add weekly assignments ("What I did this weekend" on Monday, comment on the news on Tuesday, etc.) but probably not.
- Poetry- Same o
- Modern (Spanish)- Duolingo.
- Classical (Latin) - English from the roots Up (I have. Would have her copy each root onto a 3x5 and add to spelling cards/lists)
- supplemented by the Latin web site
- Alternative Languages (Morse Code, Braille, flags, Klingon, Elvish, Minion, Esperante) Need her to pick.
- Math
- CTC- In two months Jennifer (12 and a bit insecure) has finished 2 grades and is a good fourth of the way through 2nd. At this rate I hope she gets to, maybe part way through, 6th by September (1 year mark).
- Mental- Saxon one lesson a day.
- Logic - Games/links on minimum of 15 minutes a week, Mind Benders, Fallacy Detective, Thinking Toolbox, Youtube classes. Have Logic Primer. I might should try her in the youtube classes. She's quiet enough its hard to tell, but she might be ready for this kind of challenge.
- Social Studies- I think I will just require everyone to be reading or researching something in this category at all times. This allows everyone to pursue their own particular interests.
- World History- Abeka or SOTW
- US History- Abeka 8th is the best on the market for the subject according to Mary Pride.
- Economics- Biblical economics in comics
- Geography- games on the internet or phone. 15 minutes a week, minimum.
- Science- other than the notes below, require each to be studying something.
- Health and Nutrition- Edit Masterpiece with an eye towards making a child's book, emailing each bit as I do it to them?
- Astronomy- Weekly, Wednesday night lessons?
- Biology-She is already reading the Usborne blue book. We stay in that. May require a report.
- Art- Goal would be to understand the connection between art and religion. Also that they would be able to express themselves and communicate in picture/drawing.
- Appreciation/history- Easy Peasy?
- Drawing- Drawing textbook each year.
- Painting
- Sculpting
- Crafts- Like with sisters, hope to conquer crocheting. Also, she likes the decorating crafts.
- Music- Goal is to be able to play piano, guitar (or other string), and recorder (or other wind) in church. To have enough basics to be able to learn anything they want later.
- Appreciation/history- Easy Peasy? or "God's Gift of Music"
- Theory/reading- apps? good application for kill and drill. Theory book, maybe, for olders, but really, the games would do best teaching note recognition. Working on finding some.
- Rhythm- apps?
- Voice-iPhone app- blobs.
- Piano-I think I just need to teach this straight and monitor it better. Maybe look for a better instruction/lesson book? Look at instruction books at dads plus fake books.
- String- Jennifer is learning harp using youtube. I need to require her to play me a song each week.
- Wind- Jennifer is learning the pan pipes. Ditto above.
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